
2020-5-6 周三

停止 crontab 的异常进程

有一个异常进程,使用 kill -9 杀不掉,杀掉后他自动会开一个新的 PID,资源占用 100%,初步排查是 crontab 里每月 1/16 号执行的定时任务

可以用如下命令进行重新启动 crontab


 /etc/init.d/cron stop



 /etc/init.d/cron start



2020-5-7 周四

Sentry 邮箱配置

QQ 域名邮箱配置了好久都不成功,换成了 126 一次就成功了
QQ 邮箱会报这个错:

我是在 docker env 里配置的,用的 tls 这样配置也可以:

 SENTRY_SERVER_EMAIL = 'aaa@126.com'
SENTRY_EMAIL_USER = 'aaa@126.com'
SENTRY_EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.126.com'


有看到其他人不在 env 中配置也行:Sentry 搭建

2020-5-8 周五

Request 可能存在的坑

 $user_ids = $request->input('user_ids', []);


上面这样,前端传 null 的时候,收到的还是 null

 $user_ids = $request->input('user_ids') ?? [];


2020-5-11 周一


 // TODO


2020-5-12 周二

Sentry Features

Sentry 安装完成之后发现有一些特性和说好的不一样,这是因为没有配置的问题

    # Enables user registration.
    "auth:register": True,
    # Enable advanced search features, like negation and wildcard matching.
    "organizations:advanced-search": True,
    # Enable obtaining and using API keys.
    "organizations:api-keys": False,
    # Enable explicit use of AND and OR in search.
    "organizations:boolean-search": False,
    # Enable creating organizations within sentry (if SENTRY_SINGLE_ORGANIZATION
    # is not enabled).
    "organizations:create": True,
    # Enable the 'discover' interface.
    "organizations:discover": False,
    # Enable attaching arbitrary files to events.
    "organizations:event-attachments": False,
    # Allow organizations to configure built-in symbol sources.
    "organizations:symbol-sources": True,
    # Allow organizations to configure custom external symbol sources.
    "organizations:custom-symbol-sources": True,
    # Enable the events stream interface.
    "organizations:events": False,
    # Enable events v2 instead of the events stream
    "organizations:events-v2": False,
    # Enable multi project selection
    "organizations:global-views": False,
    # Turns on grouping info.
    "organizations:grouping-info": False,
    # Lets organizations upgrade grouping configs and tweak them
    "organizations:tweak-grouping-config": True,
    # Lets organizations manage grouping configs
    "organizations:set-grouping-config": False,
    # Enable incidents feature
    "organizations:incidents": False,
    # Enable integration functionality to create and link groups to issues on
    # external services.
    "organizations:integrations-issue-basic": True,
    # Enable interface functionality to synchronize groups between sentry and
    # issues on external services.
    "organizations:integrations-issue-sync": True,
    # Enable interface functionality to recieve event hooks.
    "organizations:integrations-event-hooks": False,
    # Special feature flag primarily used on the sentry.io SAAS product for
    # easily enabling features while in early development.
    "organizations:internal-catchall": False,
    # Enable inviting members to organizations.
    "organizations:invite-members": True,
    # Enable org-wide saved searches and user pinned search
    "organizations:org-saved-searches": False,
    # Enable the relay functionality, for use with sentry semaphore. See
    # https://github.com/getsentry/semaphore.
    "organizations:relay": False,
    # Sentry 10 - multi project interfaces.
    "organizations:sentry10": True,
    # Enable basic SSO functionality, providing configurable single sign on
    # using services like GitHub / Google. This is *not* the same as the signup
    # and login with Github / Azure DevOps that sentry.io provides.
    "organizations:sso-basic": True,
    # Enable SAML2 based SSO functionality. getsentry/sentry-auth-saml2 plugin
    # must be installed to use this functionality.
    "organizations:sso-saml2": True,
    # Enable Rippling SSO functionality.
    "organizations:sso-rippling": False,
    # Enable functionality to specify custom inbound filters on events.
    "projects:custom-inbound-filters": False,
    # Enable data forwarding functionality for projects.
    "projects:data-forwarding": True,
    # Enable functionality to discard groups.
    "projects:discard-groups": False,
    # DEPRECATED: pending removal
    "projects:dsym": False,
    # Enable functionality for attaching  minidumps to events and displaying
    # then in the group UI.
    "projects:minidump": True,
    # Enable functionality for project plugins.
    "projects:plugins": True,
    # Enable functionality for rate-limiting events on projects.
    "projects:rate-limits": True,
    # Enable functionality for sampling of events on projects.
    "projects:sample-events": False,
    # Enable functionality to trigger service hooks upon event ingestion.
    "projects:servicehooks": False,
    # Use Kafka (instead of Celery) for ingestion pipeline.
    "projects:kafka-ingest": False,
    # Don't add feature defaults down here! Please add them in their associated
    # group sorted alphabetically.


上面是目前 Sentry 支持的特性配置,具体查看 GitHub
修改方式是在 sentry.conf.py 文件中添加配置:

 SENTRY_FEATURES['projects:custom-inbound-filters'] = True
# SSO ON our OFF
SENTRY_FEATURES['organizations:sso'] = True
SENTRY_FEATURES['organizations:sso-saml2'] = True
SENTRY_FEATURES['organizations:sso-rippling'] = True


2020-5-13 周三

Pandas to_csv

使用 Pandasto_csv 函数导出结果后,用 Excel 打开会乱码
加上 encoding 选项后依然没有生效

 result.to_csv('result.csv', encoding="utf-8")


正确的做法是把 utf-8 改成 utf_8_sig

 result.to_csv('result.csv', encoding="utf_8_sig")


有可能是版本问题,好像 pandas 1.x 版本就没有这个问题了

2020-5-14 周四

Redis 缓存


这是由于进行 Redis Key 的查询, 如果不存在 Value 的话,会在数据库中查询,这个并发请求量一旦突然很大的话,会突然加重数据库的压力



Elastic Docker

Elastic 是用的官方自己维护的镜像版本:

2020-5-15 周五

查看 Linux 的守护进程

 ps -eo ppid,pid,sid,stat,tty,comm  | awk '{ if ($2 == $3 && $5 == "?") {print $0}; }'




先可以使用 top 命令把进程们都列出来

 cat /proc/{PID}/status


2020-5-18 周一

Linux 文件目录

bin 二进制可执行文件目录
boot 系统引导
dev 设备
etc 系统配置
home 用户文件的根目录
lib 程序运行所使用的共享库以及内核模块
proc 虚拟文件系统,当前内存的映射
root 超级用户目录
sbin 二进制可执行文件目录(root 用户)
tmp 临时文件
usr 系统应用程序
var 程序运行时需要改变数据的文件

2020-5-19 周二

导出 Excel 设定列宽

需要 implements WithEvents

 class DataExport implements FromCollection, WithMapping, WithHeadings,
WithTitle, WithStrictNullComparison, WithEvents
    public function __construct($start, $end, $userIds, $headers, $type)
        // ...

    public function collection()
        // ...

    public function map($row): array
        // ...

    public function title(): string
        // ...

    public function headings(): array
        // ...

    public function registerEvents(): array
        return [
            AfterSheet::class => function (AfterSheet $afterSheet) {
                $columns = [
                    'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M',
                    'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'
                foreach ($columns as $column) {



2020-5-20 周三

Laravel 关联查询排序

可以使用 withCount 的方法

 ->withCount(['user_posts', 'user_address'])
->orderBy('user_posts_count', 'DESC')


2020-5-21 周四

Model 问题

Model 中的静态方法的名称不要和数据库中的字段名重复

2020-5-22 周五

Dingo 路由冲突

 {"message":"sha1() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given",
"file":"F:\\develop\\tabllapi\\vendor\\dingo\\api\\src\\Routing\\Router.php","class":"ErrorException","trace":["#0 [internal function]:
Illuminate\\Foundation\\Bootstrap\\HandleExceptions->handleError(2, 'sha1() expects ...', 'F:\\\\develop\\\\tabl...', 565, Array)","#1


原先设置成了 Dingo 接管所有路由了
解决方案:把 Dingo 的路由设置和 admin 的路由设置区分开即可

2020-5-25 周一

Flask 自动重启

开启 DEBUG 模式可以自动重启:

 DEBUG = True


没开 DEBUG 模式设置 RELOADER 也可以自动重启:



2020-5-26 周二


 1) Tests\Feature\ExampleTest::testBasicTest
RuntimeException: No application encryption key has been specified.


原因是单元测试连接的数据库的 APP_KEY 是用:

 php artisan key:generate



2020-5-27 周三

引入 dcat laravel admin 后 ci 报错


 Fatal error in tests/Feature/Api/CalendarControllerTest.php:                 
   PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught ReflectionException: Class config does not exist  
    in /home/gitlab-runner/builds/F_P9j3J3/0/Tabll/tabllapi/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php:805
   Stack trace:
   #0 /home/gitlab-runner/builds/F_P9j3J3/0/Tabll/tabllapi/vendor/laravel/fram
   ework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(805): ReflectionClass->__construct('config')



        <whitelist processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist="true">
            <directory suffix=".php">./app</directory>
                <directory suffix=".php">./app/Admin</directory>


phpunit.xml 文件中加上 exclude ,排除 Admin 相关代码

2020-5-28 周四

Larave pluck 多层

使用 with 查询了两层关联的时候



Resource 里面这样取:

 'companions' => $this->companions->pluck('user.name'),


2020-5-29 周五


Y 是年份,如 2020
y 是末位年份,如 20
m 是月份,如 02
n 是月份,如 2
